Swell Organ Opera
Video Opera
Julia Edith Rigby—pipe organ, piano, viola, vocals, sound sculpture fabrication, video and score fabrication, field recordings.
Kafele Williams—trumpet @kafelewilliams
The Wrinkles in Time—brass band @thewrinklesintime_band
Field recordings include wild bats and various species of scarab beetles, Galapagos sea lion pups and tortoises, tree frogs and crickets, cicadas and sea storms, soniferous fish and marine isopods.
Many of the sounds and visuals in this piece were created with the sound sculpture Brass Tide (https://juliaedithrigby.com/brass-tide), welded from instruments and brass objects salvaged from waste streams and flea markets and performed at LOW End at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha, Nebraska.
Soundscapes and video footage from the performance Gill Valves are also present in this piece (https://juliaedithrigby.com/gillvalves). Gill Valves was performed at The Church / Art House in Omaha, Nebraska. During the performance, audience members were invited to interact with the pipe organ, to sit back-to-back with the organ and experience sound on a seismic scale.
Sea cave sounds sourced from Sea Cave Complex project (https://vimeo.com/802503338?share=copy). Cave water drops, bowing of the sound sculpture, strings, ocean.
Many thanks to The Church / Art House in Omaha, Nebraska for lending their organ, and to the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts for supporting this project.