Kk Copper fish


, traumatized instruments are welded into new amalgamations and temporarily installed in the ocean. The work composes with the site in which it is installed.

 The work composes with the site in which it is installed. The sound sculptures engage in impermanent, improvisational relationships with natural elements and non-human actors. incl crabs, snails, ebb tides, flood tides,

What are different ways to listen, and what can listening do for us and our relationships with our world? How can sonic explorations transform our awareness of and relationships to a site? How does our sounding world influence of sense of place, of belonging?


The project experiments with the concept of an ocean-powered sound sculpture. What can speculative sculpture do for our sense of place? How can sound transform our awareness of and relationships to a site?


The sound sculpture collaborated and cohabitated with non-human actors, like wavy turbin snails, x and shore crabs.

And the tides









Change website sentence in about me, sense of belonging” part?